General Policies

Please access the Policy Agreement in your Online Account for ALL policies.  Contact the studio if you have additional questions.

Tuition is due at the time of Registration/Enrollment or automatically billed to the credit card on file following Registration/Enrollment. 


Refund Policy:

  • Recreational Classes – 50% refund if dropped 30 days prior to the start of class.  Non-refundable within 30 days.
  • Competitive Classes – 50% refund if dropped by 5/31, Non-refundable as of 6/1/25

Initial Tuition Payment – The first month’s tuition  will be posted to your account and charged to the credit card on file following your online Registration/Enrollment.  After this initial payment is made tuition will run on the 1st day of every month.

The current month’s tuition amount will be pro-rated for Recreational  dancers joining in the middle of the month.  No other discounts will apply. 

Monthly Payments – Tuition is due by the 1st of each month and will be automatically billed to the credit card on file.  It is your responsibility to keep your credit card updated to avoid Decline Credit Card Fees. If you elect to pay by cash or check payment must be made at Studio 4 prior to the 1st day of the month.  Tuition payments are non-refundable except in the event of class closure or full class enrollment. 

If tuition is late, dancer may be dropped from their class(es) until tuition is current.

Additional Fees – See Annual Family Registration Fee (Competitive & Recreational) and Fall-Spring Performance Charge (Recreational Only).  

-Competitive families be sure to read placement information for information on comp related expenses and billing schedule

A $25.00 Annual Family Registration Fee will be automatically billed and processed to your your credit card on file on 9/1 or at the time of Registration/Enrollment.  

There is no Family Registration Fee for summer classes.

Recreational Families please see Performance page of the website for information regarding the Recreational Performance Charge.

Competitive families be sure to read placement information for information on comp related expenses and billing schedule

INJURY/ILLNESS AT THE STUDIO – Studio 4 will contact you in the event of injury, illness and/or if the child is needing to sit during class.  If a child sits in one class they are expected to sit in all of their classes.  Information will be recorded in the attendance books.  Should you need doctor follow-up see details below.   

INJURY/ILLNESS NEEDING ATTENTION/MODIFICATIONS – Parents are expected to email the studio with the following information: the injury/Illness, any modifications (i.e. no leaping) needed to be made in class, doctor’s note, and return to activity plan.  Studio 4 is not responsible for making sure dancer is following required modifications.

ABSENCES – Good Attendance is critical for a dancer’s and team’s development. COMPETITIVE DANCERS should post any and all absences/tardies in the comment section of their team Band calendar on the date(s) that the dancer will be absent (Do not post on the general Band feed). RECREATIONAL DANCERS do not need to notify the studio of absences, but are encouraged to inform the teacher prior to or following any absences/tardies.  Absences and Tardies will be recorded in the class attendance books.  Make-up classes are not available.

-We reserve the right to remove your dancer from any dance(s) should their lack of attendance/injury/illness have a negative effect on their dance(s)/team.

-We reserve the right to remove your dancer from any performance/competition due to injury/illness/absences

-Injured dancers are required to observe all choreography/cleaning base classes

-Teachers will be notified of injuries/illness once we receive emails

-Competitive dancers who are consistently ill, injured and/or absent may have their solo/duet/trio put on hold and/or removed

As the weather in Minnesota is unpredictable during the winter months, Studio 4 will make class cancellation decisions based on the most accurate information available. Studio 4 will also follow the Burnsville School District and after school activity closures.  We will not be accountable for makeup lessons related to such cancellations.


Studio 4 is not responsible for absences due to weather, illness, injury, or anything beyond our control. 

Tuition is based on a 31 lesson year and is not dependent on the number of classes per month.


Discounts are applied during the Fall/Spring session only (Sept. through May) Discounts are not applied for summer tuition.  Discounts will not apply to prorated tuition.

This year our Avengers and Middle/High School Boys with a paying sibling enrolled at Studio 4 during the current Fall-Spring dance season will receive free tuition. One free boy per paying sibling.  No other discounts will apply.

Multi-class discounts are available for the fall/spring season only.  No discounts are applied for the summer season.  Discounts will not apply to prorated tuition.

First class=full price. Second class=15% discount. Third class=30% discount. Fourth class= 50% discount. Fifth class or more= FREE. Applies to recreational classes only. Classes must be enrolled by same student during same season. Highest discount applied to lowest tuition amount. 

NOTE:  September and October discounts will be reflected on the October billing.

Multi student discounts are available for the fall/spring season only.  No discounts are applied for the summer session.  Discounts will not apply to prorated tuition.

First child= full price. Second child= 5% discount. Third Child= 20% discount. Fourth + Child= FREE. Discount applied to class tuition only. Highest discount will be applied to lowest class tuition rate. 

NOTE:  September and October discounts will be reflected on the October billing. Discounts valid for Sept through May.